Personal Fitness Goals
Trust The Process In light of being approximately one month into the new year I felt like now would be a good time to discuss a concept that I believe is important to reaching your personal fitness goals, or any goal for that matter. The concept is learning to trust and enjoy the process. When […]
Brain Over Bladder
Urinary incontinence is a common condition affecting 1 in 3 women, but should not be considered normal and can also affect men. The types of incontinence are as follows: Stress incontinence is when increased stress is applied to the bladder for example when sneezing or coughing. A common cause of stress incontinence is pregnancy or […]
Osteoarthritis-My Aching Knee
Osteoarthritis is the most common arthritis and involves degeneration of the joint cartilage. Risk factors include excess weight, family history, age, previous injury, and inactivity. The cartilage is the gristle you see on the end of the chicken leg bone. It is the slick cushioning surface on the ends of the bone and acts […]
Live Well Ecosystems
One of the recognized breakdowns of overall health and wellness includes the 5 following pillars: Move, Fuel, Recover, Connect and Endure. MOVE is the physical therapist’s expertise. This includes physical activity and exercise which is important to keep muscles strong and long. FUEL includes supplying the body with good nutrients to […]
Dizziness, Balance and Physical Therapy
Dizziness and Vestibular Disorders BALANCE The three main balance systems in the body are the vestibular system (in the inner ear), visual system (eyes), and the proprioception system (sensors in the joints, muscles, and tendons). These systems send information to the brain stem which identifies the position of the head, detects motion, and spatial orientation. […]
Common Myths About Physical Therapy
October is Physical Therapy Month, so what better time than now to talk about what Physical Therapy is and what it can do for you. As physical therapy practitioners we often find that the general public doesn’t know exactly what we do, and as practitioners in this field, it is our responsibility to educate people […]
Young Athlete Overuse Injuries
Young Athlete Overuse Injuries: Know the Facts -Overuse injuries include stress fractures, tendonitis, and joint pain, and occur when athletes are required to perform the same motion repeatedly causing small amounts of trauma in tissues over time. -Overuse injuries are more common in those ages 13-17 secondary to growth spurts causing slow bone mineralization as […]
THE ANKLE: A SMALL BUT IMPORTANT JOINT Are your ankles ready to carry you into fall as you go hiking and playing in the great outdoors? You remember the kid’s song about the bones? “The toe bone’s connected to the foot bone, The foot bone’s connected to the ankle bone, The ankle bone’s connected to […]
Hiking Into Summer
Spring is in the air, summer is just around the corner, and it’s time to enjoy the great outdoors. People can’t wait for the snow to melt to start their outdoor adventures. Most like to go hiking on the trails, backpacking the mountain, horn hunting, or spend a day at Yellowstone National […]
What’s Happening In Your Golf Swing?
Question Have you asked yourself if your body is ready for the golf season that is upon us? Are the muscles on your trunk ready to work so that your shoulders aren’t compromised? Are your legs ready to help so that your back doesn’t get overused? These are just a couple questions to get you […]
Exercise for Cyclists
Top 5 Exercises to Protect Your Shoulder
Top 5 exercises to protect your shoulder The shoulder is one of the largest and most complex joints in the body. There are certain muscle groups that are needed to provide the shoulder stability and help it perform at its most optimal level. The following exercises are designed to focus on stabilizer muscles that are often missed […]