Tight Hamstrings? The Solution May Not Be What You Think.

Too much sitting! Sitting too long can shorten the hamstring muscles. As the hamstrings attach at the sit bones and insert below the knee, having the knees bent puts the muscle in a shortened position. Sitting can also make the glutes inactive which further perpetuates the problem. Weakness and poor contraction of the glutes can […]
Take Time to Laugh

“Take advantage of the season” is the theme of the month for Advantage Rehab. This is the Christmas and winter season but there are many seasons to take advantage of. There are seasons related to our age; to our education, the time of year, and holidays. Each comes with unique experiences and opportunities. The thing […]
Kinesiology Tape

1. What is Kinesiology tape? Kinesiology tape was developed in the 1970’s by a chiropractor named Dr. Kenzo Kase. Dr. Kase was born in Japan in the early 1940’s and later graduated from National University of Health Sciences in Chicago, Illinois. While treating his patients, he became frustrated with traditional taping methods secondary to limited […]
Concussion is a Rehabilitative Injury

Did you know that there are over 43 definitions of concussion? Basically, a concussion is a brain injury that causes a change in brain function following a force (blow, jolt or hit) to the head or body, which may be accompanied by temporary loss of consciousness, but is identified in awake individuals, with measures of […]
Move. Fuel. RECOVER. Connect. Endure.

The message is out there. (Sometimes it’s overwhelming.) “YOU NEED TO EXERCISE MORE.” This is absolutely a generalization, and “more” should be taken with a grain of salt. Just like all good things, moderation is recommended. Perhaps you are already physically active at healthy levels according to general guidelines. Does this mean that doing more […]
Dry Needling- What You Should Know

Dry Needling – What You Should Know What is Dry Needling? Dry needling is a modern therapeutic intervention practiced by physical therapists that involves the use of a monofilament needle to mechanically release tight regions of muscle, often referred to as “trigger points.” These locations are defined by their irritability to palpation with subsequent referred […]
Take Advantage of the Views

Summer is nearly upon us! With this season comes an opportunity to get outside with activities such as biking, running, climbing, swimming etc. I felt like this would be a good time to write a blog about the importance of independent exercise and strengthening in relation to these previously listed activities. I find that with […]
When Physical Therapy Doesn’t Work

When Physical Therapy Doesn’t Work One barrier to getting people to come to physical therapy is that they have had physical therapy before and feel that it didn’t work or help. But, all physical therapy IS NOT the same. While physical therapy cannot “fix” everything, I have a strong conviction that failure in PT […]
Exercise Equipment Under $20 We Use on the Regular

Agility Ladder: The agility ladder is not only good to improve speed and agility, but also can help improve proprioception, or in other words knowing where your feet are on the ground. We often use this equipment for sports training or as a balance exercise which works on picking up the feet to step over […]
Optimal Health

Optimal Health in Cody, Wyoming Take Advantage of your Resources Despite being a small town, Cody, Wyoming has a wide variety of healthcare services and recreational opportunities available to the community. All of which, hope to improve health and well being of the community. In the 1930’s, Joseph Hubertus Pilates believed that whole body […]
Posterior Chain

Posterior Chain What it Is, Why It’s Important and How to Find It What It Is: The posterior chain describes muscles, tendons, ligaments that cross the posterior, or back part of the body. The posterior chain contains the largest, most powerful muscles – hamstrings, gluteal muscles, lats, calves, lower traps, rear deltoid. Why It’s […]
Shoulder Replacement

What’s Up with Shoulder Replacements? First, you need to understand a little about the shoulder joint. The humerus is the upper arm bone. It rests in the glenoid (the shoulder socket) which is part of the shoulder blade or the Scapula. This is referred to as the glenohumeral joint. Four […]