Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD) and Facial Pain

What Is TMD?
A common condition that limits the natural functions of the jaw.
Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMDs) are caused by musculoskeletal dysfunction between the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the chewing muscles (muscles of mastication). Temporomandibular joint disorder or dysfunction, or TMD, is a common condition that limits the natural functions of the jaw, such as opening the mouth and chewing. Individuals with a TMD can report pain with opening and closing, intermittent locking, limited mouth opening, painful clicking, muscle tension, headaches, or ringing in the ears.
Physical therapists help people with TMD alleviate pain, regain jaw movement and improve function. They do this through treatments including manual therapy, dry needling, retraining exercises, and education.
Facial pain such as trigeminal neuralgia, intractable dental pain, atypical face pain, or ear pain can negatively impact the quality of life. Many people believe that medications are the only option for this type of pain, Specially trained physical therapists to use manual interventions and exercise to reduce irritability and greatly reduce or resolve these symptoms.